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The Watering Hole, Plein Air Outing in Ramona, California

I returned to Ramona Grasslands Reserve this morning. I liked the outing so much last time and there is so much to see and paint there. It was a great, sunny and warm February morning in Southern California–no need for a jacket but cool enough that the insects were inactive. When the painter is comfortable and relaxed and the light is good, good things can happen. I was able to test my new lightweight pochade box and tripod, which worked great and was much easier to hike in than the full french easel with a five gallon bucket. It holds two wet 11 X 14 panels as well, so it is a great improvement. Today’s work is an 11 X 14 oil on gessoed panel. Here it is:


I also made a time-lapse video demo of the making of this painting, which you can watch here:

4 thoughts on “The Watering Hole, Plein Air Outing in Ramona, California

  1. Oh wow . I love this. The grasses and reflecton …I feel like I am there in person . Just wonderful!

    1. Thanks, Marty. I’m happy with this one too. I feel like I caught the perspective really well.

  2. I agree with Marty Ron. You really did capture the reflection of the water very well. You should be pleased with yourself.

  3. Thanks, Libby. Glad you like it and yes, I’m very pleased with this one. It came together well.

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