This little guy caught my eye as my wife and I were walking down to D.T. Fleming Beach Park, in Kapalua, Maui, USA. Rain clouds were moving in and the early morning colors were lit in a moody light. I had my telephoto lens on and was able to frame up a good shot.
The papayas were out of reach or they would have made a nice breakfast.
The papayas would have been nice but we had some really good, Maui grown pineapples instead. Here’s a tip a Hawaiian worker in the produce section of a Mauian supermarket gave us: Pineapples never get “riper” after they are picked–if they are not sweet when picked they will never get sweeter with shelf time. He also said that the best pineapples have a golden color and the leafy stalk on top should be dry and not lush or green. Since taking this advice to heart we have not been disappointed with our pineapple selections…now you know!