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Carlsbad Flower Fields Painting

As promised, I’m posting the completed painting started in the Carlsbad Flower Fields on Saturday. I haven’t signed it yet because there might be a few minor touches here and there. I like to sign a painting as the last finishing touch as much as possible. Choosing the color to sign with is always fun. You want it to stand out but also be compatible with the overall color scheme of the painting. What color would you choose to sign with?

Carlsbad Flower Fields

3 thoughts on “Carlsbad Flower Fields Painting

  1. I would choose a Pale blue grey

  2. Awesome Ron! Pale blue or tan would be my choice.

    1. Thanks for the suggestions Marty and Sherry. I had others via Facebook for white and silver but I went with a nice, cheerful yellow, which picks up the flowers in the center.

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